Saturday, May 16, 2020

Essay about Life in Homers Odyssey - 1222 Words

The Odyssey:nbsp; Lifenbsp; nbsp; Odyssey a long series of wanderings filled with notable experience and hardships, or in other words the journey of life. Homers The Odyssey is an epic poem telling of one mans journey. Odysseus, the chosen traveler of this Odyssey, represents the will and perseverance of all humanity. Odysseus journey symbolizes the true toils of mankinds development through, agility, doubt, and faith. In life, agility is needed time and time again, to get out of sticky situations.nbsp; Odysseus agility is well proven when he uses his guile to outsmart the Cyclops. While trapped in the cave of Polyphemus, the Cyclops, Odysseus has to come up with a quick escape plan to save himself and his remaining†¦show more content†¦While the suitors sat and mocked him, he accomplished the task. Homer uses the epic simile, Meantime wise Odysseus, when he had handled the great bow and scanned it closely, -even as one well-skilled to play the lyre and sing stretches with ease round its new peg a string, securing at each end the twisted sheep-gut; so without effort did Odysseus string the mighty bow...Great consternation came upon the suitors. All faces then changed color (210), to describe the moment of honor. This is telling of Odysseus agility because he saw the perfect timing to overcome the challenge in order to get a roused response from the suitors. This ability to think quickly an d see the needs of the moment helps Odysseus seem more powerful than he may actually be. Throughout the road of life doubt is always present, creating obstacles that must be overcome. By having waivers of doubt, Odysseus gains self-confidence. Even though Odysseus knows that he has a pre-set destiny he still questions the orders of the gods. After receiving guidance from Circe, Odysseus challenges his destiny, asking, But, Circe, who will be the pilot on this journey, and Circe responded, Let not the lack of pilot for your ship disturb you, but set the mast, spread the white sail aloft and sit down... (100). In this situation, Odysseus doubt has helped him obtain knowledge and self-confidence. By doubting he has learned that the gods are always in control, thusShow MoreRelated Comparing Homers Odyssey and Everyday Life Essay1375 Words   |  6 Pages The Odyssey is filled with emotion and adventure. Homer’s ability to show and give the reader a visual of each and every scene gives the story its unbelievable significance. To all the people who read his work there is something to be captured within every sentence, each one different in its own, unique way. 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